Explore Nature

We are delighted to offer your students a day immersed in nature, to inspire the next generation of conservationists, supported by our official partner Investec.

Explore Nature is all about connecting young people to the wonderful natural world around us. We are absolutely thrilled to offer students aged 12-17 the exciting opportunity to experience a wildlife and conservation-focused day at the Hawk Conservancy Trust. Students will have the opportunity to explore their role in the natural world, learn about the importance of conserving our natural world and why nature and biodiversity are important. They will be introduced to practical wildlife research and fieldwork, as well as learn how to find, appreciate, and help nature on their local patch, whether urban or rural.

Our overall goal with Explore Nature is to improve access and connection to nature for young people, inspire a passion for wildlife, and emphasise the importance of spending time in nature for our wellbeing. We aim to foster a fascination for wildlife and provide opportunities that could help them to start a nature-focused career.

Students will spend a full day at the Trust immersed in the natural settings and habitats of our grounds. The day is designed to fit into the school day (9:45am until 3:00pm), and includes various interactive workshops, opportunities to watch our world-class flying displays and a close encounter with one of our beautiful birds. All this for just £27.50 per student.

We are keen to encourage schools whose students may not usually have access to nature to participate in these special days. We have a bursary available to enable Pupil Premium students to attend, supported by our official partner Investec.

Benefits of participating:

Key subject:

Science, Geography

Aimed towards:

Key Stage 4 & 5

Running time:

A full day.

Enquire today:

If you are interested in booking an Explore Nature day, or for more information, please contact our dedicated Education team via education@hawkconservancy.org.

Did you know?
The Palm-nut Vulture is one of the very few birds of prey that regularly eats vegetable matter.
©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust