
Donations are a vital source of funding and go directly towards the conservation, education, rehabilitation and research work that we carry out with birds of prey. As a registered charity we rely on your support and are very grateful for all donations that we receive. Donate to the Trust here.

If you would like to donate on a more regular basis, please consider becoming a supporter.

You might choose to become a Guardian of our Meadow and adopt a plot in Reg’s Wildflower Meadow.  Find out more about becoming a Guardian.

help develop education materials
give a wild owl a home
help an injured bird recover in our hospital
help restore critically endangered vulture populations
buy a Poison Response Kit
Donate to the Hawk Conservancy Trust

Whilst you are able to choose the specific programme that you would like to support, by making a general donation we can use your donation in the area where we currently have the greatest need.

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Donate to the British Raptors Programme

The Hawk Conservancy Trust’s British Raptor Programme currently focuses on four species of UK raptors (Barn Owl, Little Owl, Tawny Owl and Kestrel) with the aim of generating net positive outcomes for populations.

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Donate to the Overseas Raptors Programme

The International Vulture Programme is a multi-partner initiative that focuses efforts on the research and conservation of six vulture species in eight countries.

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Donate to the National Bird of Prey Hospital™ and Rehabilitation Programme

Opened by the Duke of Gloucester, the Hawk Conservancy Trust’s National Bird of Prey Hospital™ can receive and treat more than 200 sick, injured or orphaned birds of prey each year.

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Donate to the Education Programme

We want to share our passion for the conservation of birds of prey and educating our visitors about their importance is a fundamental element of what the Trust does at the visitor centre on a daily basis. This ranges from signs around the grounds to school outreach visits and training veterinary students.

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Donate to the Poison Response Kit campaign

Poisoning is the biggest threat facing vulture populations in Africa, and it has increased rapidly with the ongoing slaughter of elephants and rhinos. Poison response kits contain a range of equipment and first aid materials and are designed to reduce the impacts of poisoned carcasses on wildlife.

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Did you know?
Vultures feed their chicks by eating and then regurgitating food from their crop to their chicks.
©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust