The 100 Club

One of the many benefits of being a Hawk Conservancy Trust member is that you can join the 100 Club. This gives you the opportunity to have ‘a little flutter’ whilst supporting The Trust’s vital conservation work.

Members of the 100 Club buy shares (at only £5 per month) which are put into a monthly prize draw (with an extra draw in November as a Christmas special). Each month, three winners are drawn to receive £100, £50 or £25, respectively. That’s 39 chances every year per share to win a prize.

Payment can be made via online banking, Standing Order or Cheque either monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually, and members can hold as many shares as they wish.

A message from Pauline and James

In 2023 the 100 Club donated £16,000 to build 2 of the 3 new aviaries planned near the Woodland arena. They are still being developed and are now well under way (as of May 2024) with walls and roof now erected. Have a look next time you are visiting, they are being built near Ennis and Walter, the Great Grey Owls.

In May 2024 the 100 Club donated £15,000 to the Trust. Anyone who has visited in the past few months may have noticed the pond has disappeared from the Woodland Arena, this is because there is a plan to transform the Woodland Arena and the 100 Club are funding the changes.

For those who are not aware, each year we have a number of activities to manage the 100 Club.

At the beginning of the year, we meet with Penny Smout (CEO) and Andy Hinton (Head of Development) to hear about their exciting plans for the park for the given year. Between us we agree which projects the 100 Club can support during the year, depending on their needs and the funds the 100 Club have available.

Monthly, we perform the draw and post the winners’ numbers and the updated 100 Club finances on this webpage. The cheques are posted to the lucky winners.

We have an annual 100 Club night exclusively for 100 Club members where the Hawk Conservancy Trust team put on a special evening.

We always look forward to welcoming new members to the 100 Club and we promote the 100 Club at the Trust’s Members’ Night.

For more information, please contact us via trustmembers100club@outlook.com

Pauline and James Rafferty

Winning numbers in 2024

Month £100 £50 £25
January 266 110 169
February 90 54 104
March 35 271 102
April 212 70 77
May 34 (donated) 38 173

Winning numbers in 2023

Month £100 £50 £25
January 114 68 253 (donated)
February 53 112 284
March 70 220 163
April 71 66 72 (donated)
May 8 282 242
June 178 63 104
July 236 178 61
August 145 97 208
September 25 257 209
October 247 45 68
November 31 21 204
Extra Christmas Draw 80 145 142
December 97 261 27

Income and Expenditure

(up to 31 May 2024)

Shares 245
Members 188
Prize Money £66,415
Donations to the Hawk Conservancy Trust £196,672
Money in the bank for our next project £11,694


Download a copy of the full breakdown of income and expenditure since the 100 Club’s inception in 1994 (Up to 31 December 2023).

Some of the recent projects that the 100 Club has funded are listed below.

Donated towards Raptor Nest Box Project for materials and equipment

Cost = £1,000

Donated in 2021

Donated to pay for the substrate in six large, state-of-the-art aviaries

Cost = £5,000

Donated in 2020

Donated towards construction of new feed room

Cost = £4,000

Donated in 2019

Upcoming Projects

In May 2024 the 100 Club donated £15,000 to the Trust for the Transformation of the Woodland Arena planned for 2024/2025. The 100 club presented the cheque to Penny at the 100 Club Members’s evening in May.

We will continue to let the rest of the funds build up ready for future donations to the Trust.



Did you know?
Great Grey Owls are able to locate prey a foot under snow using only their hearing.
©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust