Art Workshop

Inspire artistic imagination and creativity with the challenge of drawing a real, live bird of prey posing in natural surroundings right in front of your eyes!

This workshop is designed to provide pupils with an opportunity to study birds in close details and translate what they see on to paper.

There will be an introduction to the species before the young artists begin, with a discussion about where the bird comes from, its habitat and any camouflage or features that help with its survival. There will be other resources available, such as moulted feathers to help our artists gain a fuller appreciation for the textures and patterns of the bird’s plumage. Replicas of a bird skull can be used with older groups to add a scientific twist to the activity.

The level and length of the workshop will be scaled to suit the age and learning requirements of the group. This workshop can also be held indoors in the event of bad weather.

Pupils can bring their own sketch books or we can provide basic drawing pencils and paper. If teachers would like to bring other mediums with their group such as charcoal, pastels or coloured pencils then they are welcome to do so.

Follow up sessions back at school could include sculpting a bird using different materials and making a clay or papier mâché model of the birds the pupils have seen. We can also arrange an outreach visit with one of our birds for an art workshop in the classroom. These workshops also serve as a great starting point for creative and descriptive writing projects.

Key subject:


Subject links to:

Science (adaptations), English (creative writing)

Adaptable for:

Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 4


Curriculum links:

Running time:

Enquire today

If you are interested in finding out more or booking one of our on-site school workshops, please get in touch using the below form.

    During which term are you looking to arrange your trip?

    Please tell us which workshop you are interested in:
    Conservation in ActionAsk the ExpertIntroduction to OwlsBird of Prey AdaptationsOwl Pellet DissectionI'm not sure yetI only want to book a visit, I'm not interested in the workshops

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    Did you know?
    Kestrels don’t build their own nest. Instead, they use nests of other large birds (such as pigeons or crows), holes in trees, crevices in walls and cliff faces, or ledges of buildings.
    ©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust